November 5, 2009: Therese and I went on embark to the Waird place (Internet Company) who is located all the way down town. It was about an hour and a half walk. Internet here is so challenging at times! It was fun walking, trying to avoid the bota bota’s (motorcycles). Therese and my hearts were touched when we almost reached our destination and we were approached by a child who needed money. Sadly, parents put their children on the streets to make the families money. How much heart breaking to see God’s children hurting. It breaks God’s heart so much!
We reached the Waird Company and was assisted and departed to head back home. The last thirty minutes of our trip it started to rain heavily. It felt so refreshing and nice. By the time we reached our house there was no dry spots on our clothes. It was an amazing walk; the rain reminds me of God’s refreshing that is so sweet!
November 6th 2009: Therese and I left the guest house at 7:45am for the one and a half hour walk to the Acholi quarter to meet with our gardener’s wife, Joyce ( the women hugging Therese). As we walked up the hill a little girl grabbed my hand. She decided I was her very own “munu” (white person in Acholi) and reluctantly let go of my hand only after we left the market behind. Praise the Lord, the Creator of those children, they are are so adorable and sweet – I want to adopt them all! We were warmly welcomed at Joyce’s home. She gave us a tour, as we walked I noticed tombs nearby the houses. Further down we met women working on paper beads. They were so beautiful! We said our goodbye’s about 11:00am.
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