30 November 2009
Prayer Requests and Praises
This weekend our guest house in Kampala was broken into. We had one of our chaplains from Sudan at the guest house watching over it while Brian and Jill are on furlough. Our security guard came to the door asking for a drink of water and when Lino opened it there was a group of guys waiting to break in along with our security guard. Lino was severely beaten and they told him they were going to kill him. One of the thugs asked Lino, "who was going to save him now?" Lino responded with the confidence that only God can give, " Jesus Christ will save me."
For an hour Lino fought off these four thugs until they were able to tie him up and proceeded to strangle him. Lino was able to stab the guy with his finger and he stopped choking him. The events that proceded next were a complete miracle. As they were taking stuff out of the house, Lino was able to free himself enough to deadbolt our steel garage. Then, whatever the thugs heard they ran.
This weekend we celebrated thanksgiving and although much was stolen and the house virtually destroyed we are thankful it was Lino who was trained to handle these men. Our guest house is often a place where people come and take refuge and the Lord knew who to have there at this time. We are thankful for Lino's life and the stuff that was stolen is only material.
Please pray that these men will get caught and that the Lord will be glorified through this.
~ Far Reaching Ministries
Amazing Story of God's healing
I met a man and his wife at the Nimule hospital. Their story touched my heart so much that I could not stop praying for them. The wife was admitted with an unknown disease. She was unable to walk or talk. The family said she was already dead. Her husband said, “I knew God was going to heal her. I just believed God and refused to listen to what others said.” It took two months before the doctors realized she was suffering from sleeping sickness. After four months she was finally able to talk again and can now walk with a cane. The whole family testifies that God supernaturally healed her. Now she shares with all who will listen that Jesus has healed her and He will heal any sinner who desires salvation. You can see the picture of the whole family here. I thank God that He is able to save to the uttermost.
~Pastor Michael Alahai Tombe
20 November 2009
Which Insect do you think is the most dangerous?
Check tomorrow to see if your answer was right!
- Sudan , Africa-
18 November 2009
Attention Skilled Tradesmen
The chaplaincy training center in Nimule, Sudan is in need of upkeep and maintenance. Therefore, we are looking to put together a construction team to replace windows, paint and do various construction projects. If you are interested in joining this special team and possess skills in the areas of: carpentry, masonry, painting or tile laying, please visit our website for an application for short-term missions. The cost of the trip will be $1900 and will take place approximately the last two weeks of February 2010.
For more information, contact Ed Gauntt or Emily Brady at (951) 677-4474.
Thank you and we look forward to serving alongside of you in Sudan.
Our airplane and landing strip in Sudan
Today we got to help MAF coordinate with the local government as our Nimule airstrip is being repaired. The renovations will mean our strip is 1500 meters long and 15 meters wide. This airfield has: enabled pastors and missionaries to safely bypass dangerous LRA territory, evacuated staff members who needed urgent medical care, and brought us all kinds of needed supplies. Below is a photo of our airplane on the ground here in Nimule.
16 November 2009
As the community leaders came forward to thank us for coming, they offered this great gift of appreciation to FRM.
At the conclusion of our program we invited any who desired to stand and join us in a prayer to surrender their life to Jesus. This precious little girl stood, raised her hand to heaven and closed her eyes to pray. If only we all surrendered at this young age and allowed God to use our lives for His glory, imagine all He would do. We are sure that God has great plans for this one, His precious daughter.
Women's Bible Study
A group of women danced and sang as they came to welcome us to their church for a teaching by Vicky Bentley on our hope of heaven. Approximately 100 women gathered from throughout the area to join us in worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship. They were very appreciative and welcomed up with open arms.
Love Pack Distribution
These packs are a once in a lifetime treat to most of these children. They included a school uniform, a Love Covers shirt, a mosquito net, and pencils and paper. They were as excited and content to receive paper and pencils as many children in the USA would be over receiving something like an IPOD. It was wonderful to see their joy as they received and opened their packs.
Teach the Word of God
More than 1,000 students of all ages came to the program on a day when they were supposed to be home from school. Many showed up hours before the program was to start, eagerly anticipating the day. The school is made up of several small huts that barely provide shelter. Nearly 200 children were packed into this classroom, crowded and hot, yet attentively listening as we shared the gospel. What a blessing these incredible children were to us all!
Love Covers; Obbo, South Sudan
The FRM Nimule team set out this past week with a truckload of packs (more than 1,000) filled with great things for the children in need at Obo Village. The drive from Nimule took about 7 hours on dirt roads – some areas were fair, some a bit on the bumpy side, some a lot on the bumpy side.
10 November 2009
Our Love Covers Project in Obbo, Sudan
Today we loaded the FRM lorry with 1200 Love packs filled with mosquito nets, blankets, school uniforms and supplies. We are all ready to go to Obbo and anticipate God will do a great work. We will be sharing about Jesus in a VBS style and showing the Jesus film (in Acholi, the local dialect) every night! Please pray many souls will be won. Our desire is to plant our next Calvary Chapel in Obbo in 2010. We will post more next week when we get back!
Agape, Vicky
Allison and Therese in Kampala, Uganda
November 5, 2009: Therese and I went on embark to the Waird place (Internet Company) who is located all the way down town. It was about an hour and a half walk. Internet here is so challenging at times! It was fun walking, trying to avoid the bota bota’s (motorcycles). Therese and my hearts were touched when we almost reached our destination and we were approached by a child who needed money. Sadly, parents put their children on the streets to make the families money. How much heart breaking to see God’s children hurting. It breaks God’s heart so much!
We reached the Waird Company and was assisted and departed to head back home. The last thirty minutes of our trip it started to rain heavily. It felt so refreshing and nice. By the time we reached our house there was no dry spots on our clothes. It was an amazing walk; the rain reminds me of God’s refreshing that is so sweet!
November 6th 2009: Therese and I left the guest house at 7:45am for the one and a half hour walk to the Acholi quarter to meet with our gardener’s wife, Joyce ( the women hugging Therese). As we walked up the hill a little girl grabbed my hand. She decided I was her very own “munu” (white person in Acholi) and reluctantly let go of my hand only after we left the market behind. Praise the Lord, the Creator of those children, they are are so adorable and sweet – I want to adopt them all! We were warmly welcomed at Joyce’s home. She gave us a tour, as we walked I noticed tombs nearby the houses. Further down we met women working on paper beads. They were so beautiful! We said our goodbye’s about 11:00am.
06 November 2009
We are half way there!!
Praise God! We were granted funding today for 500 Love Packs! Please pray as we prepare to help children in Lukwor internally displaced camp in Kitgum. We will keep you updated as we plan and reach out in Jesus' name!
The new dove at our Kampala, Uganda guesthouse
Being a missionary means we wear all different “hats.” Today we pulled together working on a mosaic in the entry way of the new apartments at our Kampala guesthouse. Kenny, the worship leader at CC Kampala, drew the dove and filled in its shape. He got too busy to finish it so we all pitched in to get it done. It was so fun, Therese and I felt like it was putting together pieces of a puzzle. It was definitely a great way to “de-stress!” Anthony, the construction worker who came to grout and cement our artwork got to here the gospel message. Please pray for his salvation! Agape, Vicky
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