Greetings in the precious name of our lord Jesus Christ. I must apologize for taking a while without hearing from me. I have spent most of my time at the farm the past couple of months with virtually no opportunity to use my computer. It has been very busy at the farm, sometimes it seemed overwhelming but God has always given us the strength and grace to continue His work.
A brief update on things here are as follows: The women weekly bible study continues with a number of new faces giving their lives to the Lord. Suzan has been taking the ladies through the gospels and she has found the New Testament commentary you gave very useful. The ladies who have been regular at the bible studies are growing and maturing in their faith. The harvest is indeed ripe but the laborers are few, there is great potential of reaching much more for Christ if there were more men and women ready to serve. We continue to mentor some young school going men and women hoping that in future they will be kingdom builders.
Last month we organized a two day pastor’s conference, we invited a number of pastors from Kigumba over to the farm to have a time of prayer and to study John Maxwell leadership principles. It was a good time of fellowship with the local pastors and a time to learn from each other.
There has been a lot of work going on at the farm on the agriculture side of things and the tractor has been so useful. This season we have plowed and planted 30 acres of maize. About 15 aces will be ready for harvest by the end of this month and another 15 acres will be ready by end of November.
Our crops have been a testimony of God’s blessing, especially with the unpredictable rains that are regular across the country. Our crops have received rain just when they needed it and l believe we may be the first in the country to have a harvest of maize this season. We are most grateful for the support of the tractor, l know l have said it in the past but l can't help but express my appreciation every time l see what we are now able to do. We are now capable of doing work we only once dreamt about.
We still have a lot of work ahead of us when harvesting starts. We continue to pray all goes well during the harvest. Our major challenge right now is storage and we are trying to make some local maize cribs. We hope to use the revenue generated from the harvest to support the work next year. Please continue to remember us in your prayers that God will continue to lead us and give us wisdom in all that we do.
I have attached a few pictures from the farm of the maize field. I have also attached Tabitha’s completed house.
In His Name,

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