31 August 2012
Please pray...By Vicky Bentley
23 August 2012
Christian Community: Participation
Christian community is like the Christian's sanctification; it is a gift of God which we cannot claim. Only God knows the real state of our fellowship, of our sanctification. What may appear weak and trifiling to us may be great and glorious to God. Just as the Christian should not be constantly feeling his spiritaul pulse, so, too, the Christain community has not been given to us by God for us to be constantly taking its temperature. . . . Christian brotherhood is not an ideal which we must realize; it is rather a reality created by God in which we may participate.- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
20 August 2012
Easthams: Bibles for the North
Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the paths of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”
We often don’t appreciate how precious it is to have a Bible. In fact, we have many Bibles in our house. We have a variety of Bibles: different translations, children’s, study, compact, and even those in different languages. Many Ugandans don’t even have one Bible in their home. Many pastors, also, don’t have a study Bible or resources available to teach the Bible to their own congregation.
Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Evangelist Billy Graham, is coming to Uganda in October, 2012. It has been a privilege to come along side AnGeL Ministries to bless the people of Uganda.
Through a series of seminars in Gulu (in the north) and Kampala, the goal is to revive the hearts of God’s people in Uganda by reviving the church leadership, rooting them deeper in the Word of God. Two thousand study Bibles, two thousand compact Bibles, and six hundred children’s Bibles have been donated for this outreach.
At a recent planning committee, a decision needed to be made as to which Bibles would go to which venue. Everyone wanted the study Bibles. It was finally decided that the Study Bibles would go to the North. “This is the time for the North,” said Pastor Osiru, one of the committee members. “Let them have it.” She couldn’t have said it better. The people of northern Uganda are healing from decades of war. The people desperately need a fresh touch from the Lord.
Please continue to pray for the country of Uganda, especially for the people in the northern cities. Pray for the pastors coming, that they will have the means to come to this great outreach and that the Lord would do a mighty work in their lives so that they can take it back their villages.
16 August 2012
Christian Community: Forgiveness
Even when sin and misunderstanding burden the communal life, is not the sinning brother still a brother, with whom I too stand under the Word of Christ? Will not his sin be a constant occasion for me to give thanks that both of us may live in the forgiving love of God in Jesus Christ? Thus the very hour of disillusionment with my brother becomes incomparably salutary, because it so thoroughly teaches me that neither of us can ever live by our own words and deeds, but only by that one Word and Deed which really binds us together - the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ.- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
14 August 2012
Real Life Bible Story

11 August 2012
Women's Prison Ministry
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Langata Women's Prison Entrance |
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Natasha and Twinkle |
09 August 2012
Christian Community: Thankfulness
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life TogetherWe thank God for what He has done for us. We thank God or giving us bretheren who live by His call, by His forgiveness, and His promise. We do not complain of what God does not give us; we rather thank Him for what He does give us daily. And is not what has been given us enough: brothers who will go on living with us through sin and need under the blessing of His grace? . . . In the Christian community thankfulness is just what it is anywhere else in the Christian life . . . If we do not give thanks daily for the Christian fellowship in which we have been placed, even where there is no great experience, no discoverable riches, but much weakness, small faith, and difficulty; if on the contrary, we only keep complaining to God that everything is so paltry and petty, so far from what we expected, then we hinder God from letting our fellowship grow according to the measure and riches which are there for us all in Jesus Christ.
02 August 2012
Christian Community: The Vision
He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter, even though his personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial. God hates visionary dreaming; it makes the dreamer proud and pretentious. The man who fashions a visionary ideal of community demands that it be realized by God, by others, and by himself. He enters the community of Christians with his demands, sets up his own law, and judges the bretheren and God Himself accordingly . . . He acts as if he is the creator of the Christian community, as if his dream binds men together. When things do not go his way, he calls the effort a failure . . . So he becomes, first, an accuser of the bretheren, then an accuser of God, and finally the despairing accuser of himself. Because God has already laid the only foundation of our fellowship, because God has bound us together in one body with other Christians in Jesus Christ, long before we entered into common life with them, we enter into that common life not as demanders but as thankful recipients.- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together