25 June 2012

Natasha Update: CC High Desert Team in the Congo

We had a conference and the teachings went well, people had many questions, we saw God move…people are hungry for the Word of God.  We need wisdom in how to answer all the questions. We also had a seminar on health education and it went well too…people asked many questions.

We showed a movie and the equipment worked very well. We had a concert and VBS today, please keep us in prayer.

Everybody is healthy and feeling very well, excited to see what God is doing…

Please continue to pray for security.

22 June 2012

Natasha: The Team in the Congo

The team from Calvary Chapel High Desert arrived in Nairobi on Tuesday Morning at 2.30 am.  They only had two hours before their next flight to the Congo. They had to repack their bags and get things ready for ministry in such a short time… The last news I’ve heard is that they arrived safely in the Congo and had their first day of the conference!!! Please join us in prayer for the Holy Spirit to move and draw many to Jesus, pray for safety for the team while in the Congo and traveling, and for good health

19 June 2012

Baby Josiah

Baby Josiah, the little boy who was born with a hole in his heart, who was taken to the hospital in Germany and had heart surgery, where the doctors were amazed at how long he lived with the complications that he had in his heart, who miraculously lived to be 6th months old…now is in the presence of his heavenly Father, in the arms of Jesus…Baby Josiah went to be with the Lord only one day after Janet, his mother and Josiah arrived safely back in Nairobi…  

After the church serves on Sunday we visited Josiah’s parents.  When I greeted Janet, I gave her a hug…and her body was convulsing from the pain of grief in her heart…and tears were coming out of her eyes…Janet shared with us that the surgery was very complicated and the doctors were amazed that with the condition of Josiah’s heart he was able to live that long…The surgery itself was 12 hours, and very difficult but it went well.  Josiah was recovering after the surgery and Janet said that he even started smiling every morning when he woke up…Josiah improved in his condition so much that the doctors, after performing many tests decided to let him travel back to Kenya…

After a day of being here in Nairobi, Josiah died…To hear Janet’s testimony of God’s faithfulness was such an incredible time…she said that even though Josiah was sick from the day he was born, he is the best gift from God that they ever had…Through Josiah the Lord brought them so close to Himself…They are giving thanks and glory to Almighty God Who knows what and why, Who has the right to give and to take away…without any questions to ask…It has been an amazing testimony of God’s Sovereignty for us as a church body.

Please keep the family in prayer.

17 June 2012

Total Transformation By Richard Angoma

Jesus said in: Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Learning & sewing on a machine donated by FRMA
Those words spoken by the Lord are at the heart of our desire to share the Gospel with the people living in the rural villages of Uganda. Remarkably, there are still many people in rural Uganda that have not yet heard the name of Jesus or understood the freedom He offers through a life surrendered to Him. The Bible also tells us: Luke 19:10: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” We are compelled to seek out those who are lost, and impart to them the Gospel message...or the Good News!
Literacy Classes provided by FRMA free of charge
We at Canaan Farms want to be sure we are doing our part, and while we are actively involved in agriculture which is time consuming and demanding we believe that we must increase in this vital area of missions.  We also believe that God will greatly bless a “missions-minded” workplace and in turn will supply our needs as we partner with Him in reaching the Lost through our giving of time, talent, and treasure.
With support from Far Reaching Ministries and Far Reaching Ministries Aviation we are raising Christian leaders up from among ordinary farmers. We are also providing discipleship, literacy classes, and income generating activites for the women.
A sister showing a purse she just completed
In turn, these servants of God reach out to the villages and farms with the message of the Gospel. Because of this, we are witnessing a great transformation in our rural areas; one that has never been witnessed before.  Testimonies of families abandoning traditional and cultural practices - such as witchcraft - and turning to embrace Christian values is increasingly becoming common. It’s exciting to see how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can transform any person willing to embrace Him.

Tailoring classes held in the Vocational Hall FRM built

14 June 2012

African Savanna Nights - Pictures!

Here are some pictures from the African Savanna Nights event, Friday, June 8th.

13 June 2012

Building walls to reach hearts? ~ By Jamie McKinley

 A famous thought or phrase is that we should “tear down walls” that prevent us from loving others or “tear down walls” so we can allow the Holy Spirit to move. Many times it is an unseen wall on our hearts or mind that prevents us from entering into the fullness of God’s love or even sharing His love to others. However, today I see the building of a wall is finally necessary…

I am talking of a “physical” wall… For many years now the children at Calvary Chapel Nairobi have been having Sunday school outside in tents set up before the service. The Lord used the tents to help protect the children from rain and sun; but now as the tents have begun to get old and the weather is getting cold! The Lord provided new way for us to show the love of Christ to these children —WALLS!!

Yes, it was a joy to hear that the Lord provided a way to put in wall in the existing church building so we can make three rooms for children’s ministry! Josh, a pastor in Eldoret, has come down to help Pastor Dave these last few days to build walls for the new classrooms. It is so exciting to just see the vision God has for reaching these children in the slums behind our church and how now they will have a safe and warm place to meet and hear the Word of God. These classrooms will make Sunday School a place of growth, love, and much more than just a physical building. I believe we will see a building up of living temples. Each child taught in these rooms will grow in the knowledge of the Lord! Please pray they will; understand they are each precious Him, know who He is, grasp the depth of His love and that they will truly be spiritual temples of His Spirit!
 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4-5 
Pray that the Lord would bless the work of these men who are choosing to serve the Lord through building rooms in the church, so that many more young ones will be brought to the kingdom of the Lord.

12 June 2012

Happy Dance ~ by Vicky Bentley

Is it just me, or does this look like a happy dance to you too?

I remember Pastor Chuck Smith describing Zephaniah 3:17: “The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” He said, “He will rejoice over you with gladness,” it means deep  joy – the kind that jumps up and down and spins around! 

Jesus does that over you, over me…He gets all of heaven to join Him when one sinner repents. This young girl was dancing for joy after receiving a backpack filled with school supplies, a uniform, a blanket, a mosquito net, and that precious red t-shirt during one of our Love Covers outreaches (learn more at http://frmusa.org/#/womens-ministry/love-covers).  

I hope that I can bring that kind of joy to my Jesus today…care to join me in that goal?

10 June 2012

Taking on the challenge by Vicky Bentley

I remember Chaplain James Olal telling my husband Wes during a recent refresher course, “Wes, there is not one man out there that doesn’t want to be a Daniel. They hear you share, they hear your heart and they want it.” We sat back in awe...I quietly bowed my heart and thanked God to see Him answering our prayers for revival.

On June 8th the chaplains serving at the Bible Training Center here in South Sudan shared their testimonies via a Skype call during our Savannah Nights Event. I got this email from a dear friend of the ministry and pastor who has come several times to teach:

I just wanted to let you know how great last night went. We were so inspired through the chaplains…that it made me go home and recommit my life and give up any ambition I may have had aside from fulfilling the Great Commission. How could you not completely sell out to Jesus Christ after that incredible, soul-stirring presentation from our chaplains…

You brought the joy of the Lord over Skype last night in a wonderful way. God’s work reaches down into our very soul with the love of God and moves us to sell out for Him. Surely you and Wes must know how your life in Sudan has encouraged us to stay committed to our calling to be sold out to God at any cost.

Even in turmoil [within our day to day ministry] God never lets go. When I see what God is doing in our ministry in Africa I realize how petty these little dips in the road are. God is powerful enough to take care of anyone that may come against us in ministry because it is His, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!

Thanks again for selling out to Jesus! You guys always have inspired me to give my life to Him completely. May God encourage and bless you to day. Please give my greeting and blessings to James, Lino, Joseph, and the senior chaplains. I miss them terribly and will be back soon…

Over the past months God has led Wes to boldly extend a call to repentance. I’ve been able to listen as he urged church bodies in various countries to lay their entire lives on the altar of God.  He even warns the men that often when he gives the altar call the first 10-20 who respond are women. He lovingly reminds the men it ought not to be so, that men have been given the privilege and mandate to lead. I love praying and watching God move…

This brother who wrote after Savannah Nights, took the challenge to relinquish self to the last drop and you can hear the joy and passion freely flowing from His heart…
What about you?
     If your life is not ABLAZE for Jesus you are missing out…
          Don’t wait even a second longer… 

Bow, let Him burn up your distractions and bring you into His holy presence…
     Be free…
          Be changed… 

Take the challenge…


09 June 2012

Dare to be a David by Vicky Bentley

Look at how many of our heroes of the faith responded to God’s call:

Moses: was afraid, he was looking to his own inadequacies and I meet women everyday who make that exact mistake.

Gideon: is another example in the Bible of a man we was almost paralyzed as he relied on his own abilities or lack thereof. In Judges 6-8 we read his story. When the Angel of the Lord came to Gideon he was threshing his harvest at night because of fear, but the Angel looks at him and says, “The Lord is with you, Oh mighty man of valor!”

Jeremiah: There in chapter one we see God speaking to this young man…he declares, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Can you imagine hearing God say that to you? But Jeremiah says, “I can’t speak, I’m just a kid.” God says, “Don’t say that! For you will go where I send you and say all I tell you to. Don’t be afraid for their faces, I am with you to deliver you!” God patiently slays every argument by taking Jeremiah’s eyes off himself…

Now contrast these three examples…and trust me the Bible is full of hundreds more like them, with one man….

David: a simple shepherd, the youngest son of Jesse, so unassuming even his own father did not think to call him for Samuel to look at as a potential king. Yet David when he reached the front line and heard the blasphemous threats pouring forth from Goliath did not shrink back. He never considered Himself for even a moment. I suggest to you that David knew the secret of a life lived in Christ…

Not just with Christ,
     Not just for Christ,
          But literally hidden in Him…
               Utterly consumed in His living flames of LOVE!

I believe that is a major reason God said, “David is a man after my own heart who will do all MY willActs 13:22. I want the Lord to say that about each one of us and I think He will if you be just willing to grasp onto this Intimate Invitationto be hidden in Him!

What are you waiting for?
     Step out of the flow of the WORLD…
          Take God at His Word and see what it’s like to LIVE!

Faith does three things:
     1. Reckons, “God is able!”
     2. Risks all without hesitation
     3. Rests knowing God never fails!” Leonard Ravenhill

Jesus is today offering each of us an intimate invitation to be like David, or the Apostle Paul, or any other hero of the faith you can remember….this is our generation, this is our time….This is a clarion call, will you join the great host who carry the Word? We can do this ... because Jesus is in us…. Matthew 28:19-20 and Psalm 68:11

07 June 2012

Our 10th Annual Pastor's BBQ!

The event we look forward to all year... The 10th Annual Pastor's BBQ

One of the highlights of working for Far Reaching Ministries is the Pastor's Barbeque. We invite the men who are in town for the Senior Pastor's Conference at the conference center to come enjoy ribs, brisket and kielbasa. Ed Gauntt, our Operations Officer, is also a master with a smoker and cooks for several days with the help of an along time friend, David Dixon, to feed 250+ pastors who attend. Ed also prepares a whole hog, which is cooked in a roasting box. It is "vaccinated" with some marinade concoction that Ed puts together. (That it still looks very much like a pig with little piggy ears and snout is always a point of contention among those on staff who would prefer their food not to look so much like Wilbur from Charlotte's Web.) It's so fun to feed meat to men. It's sort of like working the water station at mile 20 for a marathon... These guys lead and teach their flocks all year long and it's a blessing to be able to do something special for them. I also enjoy getting to put faces with all the people who call the office all year long, and with the names of the men who travel to South Sudan to teach the chaplains.

We were doubly blessed to be joined by chaplains James Olal, Michael Tombei and Abdrahaman Tia via Skype from the base in Nimule, South Sudan, and it was such a pleasure to see Vicky as well.

The initiative against drudgery by Oswald Chambers

Arise, shine. Isaiah 60:1

We have to take the first step as though there were no God. It is no use to wait for God to help us, He will not; but immediately we arise we find He is there. Whenever God inspires, the initiative is a moral one. We must do the thing and not lie like a log. If we will arise and shine, drudgery becomes divinely transfigured.

Drudgery is one of the finest touchstones of character there is. Drudgery is work that is very far removed from anything to do with the ideal—the utterly mean, grubby things; and when we come in contact with them we know instantly whether or not we are spiritually real. Read John 13; we see there the Incarnate God doing the most desperate piece of drudgery, washing fishermen’s feet, and He says—“If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” It requires the inspiration of God to go through drudgery with the light of God upon it. Some people do a certain thing, and the way in which they do it hallows that thing for ever afterwards. It may be the most commonplace thing, but after we have seen them do it, it becomes different. When the Lord does a thing through us, He always transfigures it. Our Lord took on Him our human flesh and transfigured it, and it has become for every saint the temple of the Holy Ghost. - Oswald Chambers

04 June 2012

The Easthams: A Letter from South Sudan

I have been in South Sudan for the past two days.  Specifically, I am in the border town of Nimule, about 2km from the Uganda’s northern border. The trip from Kampala to Nimule was several hours on both paved and unpaved road.  I hope to return home in another day or so.

Nimule's Border Check Point


In June, 2011 Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) sent a shipping container full of supplies for their chaplain training facility here.  FRM graciously let us put some of our personal items on their container free of charge.

Some of these items were very important to us like wedding photos and home school materials.

Isaiah 40:31 reads, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  I love reviewing this verse in detail.  Waiting on God will bring us renewed strength.  To fly and run suggests quick action when needed (like escaping danger and moving fast).  The very last part “walk, and not grow faint,” suggests that God give longevity on a long journey.  Waiting on God's timing is the way to go.

We loaded these things on the container in June 2011, and the container arrived in Nimule around August.  We moved to Uganda in March 2012, but I needed FRM’s help get me through customs.  Trying to get our things any earlier could have involved great expense and "entanglements" with border authorities.  But we had the patience and faith that God would give us the right opportunity to get our things.

Taking some important things back home. 

Pictured is Komi (FRM worker), who helped me stuff the Prado.

 Are you waiting on God to arrange the right opportunity or are you struggling to make things happen?

The Bible teaches to wait on God.  Be patient, and let God open the door when the timing is right.


From Nimule (Republic of South Sudan),

John Eastham

New Missionary to Uganda