23 February 2012

Update from Jamie McKinley *Pray*

Dear Friends,

Regarding human trafficking; the Lord is really opening my eyes to the evil of this sin around me, but most importantly He is showing me that His power and Who He is is greater than that of the world.  

I know many of you receive me newsletter in the mail, but for those of you who don't I ask that you take a moment to just read this story.  It is my prayer as I try to put the feelings and thoughts of my friend in a story that it will help you understand the situation here and in the world and bring us to our knees in prayer.  Please remember that we are soldiers in a battle and we need to fight in prayer and be ready for the Lord to move and work!

Thank you for your prayers and support.

In Him,
Jamie McKinley

18 February 2012

Monica is home! ~ by Vicky Bentley

Thank you for praying....Monica is home! Please pray God will continue to build up her red blood count and strengthen her during this pregnancy!

Revival & Prayer ~ by Vicky Bentley

Wes just called from Texas where he is sharing at a men's conference. They held an early morning prayer meeting and a good number of men came to pray....

As I was praying for them from Africa, God led me to a quote written nearly 200 years ago by a faithful warrior for Jesus, Edward Payson (affectionately known as "Praying Payson of Portland"):

I was enabled to lie at Jesus' feet and to wash them with the tears of contrition. No pleasure I have ever found in the Christian life is superior to this.
Excerpt from Praying Edward Payson’s diary (February 18)

Payson's life was permeated with prayer. He lived in teh presence of God. His bedroom had hardwood floors and the grooves where he knelt testified of his devotion to prayer and intercession...

Through Payson's prayers to Jesus REVIVAL came....
     Would to God that more men and women would PRAY and usher in REVIVAL for us....
PRAY without ceasing...
      Ask of Me, Jesus said, and I will give you the heathen....

Maybe God has chosen you for such a time as this?

16 February 2012

Praising God for a new baby girl....

Gifti and Chaplain Abdrahaman Tia (he asked that we begin calling him Abraham from now on), went with a team to visit the home of George and Rose, members of Calvary Chapel Nimule. Rose just gave birth to this baby girl. Gifti is on the left and Abraham is on the right.

Children are a gift from the LORD;
they are a reward from Him.
Psalm 127:3

15 February 2012

Looking for volunteers....

 We are need of volunteers to help glue journals! If you are interested please call the office at 951-677-4474!  Thank you.

14 February 2012

Prison Ministry ~ by Vicky Bentley

Last week Chaplain Abdrahaman Tia, a graduate of class eight who has remained here at the base on staff, re-opened our prison ministry. He shared with Gifti Mura, our Rabuna Fi women's ministry leader, and she organized a group of ladies from our Bible study to attend also. Every Wednesday and Friday at 7:00am a small team is going to encourage these forgotten prisoners.

Tia told me that the men said, "It's only the Christians who remember us. Many of us have not seen family, colleagues, or friends since we were imprisoned. We are alive but dead. Please pray for us. We are suffering from many pains - physically and emotionally, but especially spiritually." The team prayed and God immediately strengthened those who were sick, giving a miraculous healing, and helped them to find courage in Jesus.

Gifti brought t-shirts for them and they were so excited they took their shirts off immediately and put on the new ones with great big smiles...such a small thing brought such big joy!

Please pray that God will save each of these men. We will update more as we can and try to get photos if the prison guard will allow it. For today, here is the team that went this morning (from left to right: Tia, Betty, Joyce, and Kumi).

 Then the King will say to those on his right,
“Come, you who are blessed by my Father,
inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.
For I was hungry, and you fed Me. I was thirsty, and you gave Me a drink.
I was a stranger, and you invited Me into your home.
I was naked, and you gave Me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for Me.
I was in prison, and you visited Me.”

Then these righteous ones will reply,
“Lord, when did we ever see You hungry and feed You?
Or thirsty and give You something to drink?...
When did we ever see You sick or in prison and visit You?”

And the King will say, “I tell you the truth,
when you did it to one of the least of these My brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to Me!"
Matthew 25:34-40

Keith Greene used to say, “The only difference between the sheep and the goats was what they did and didn’t do!”  Which group will you be told to join?

Please pray for Monica ~ By Vicky Bentley

Please pray for staff Chaplain Joseph's wife, Monica. She has an enlarged spleen, she is pregnant and severely anemic. Yesterday, Joseph gave her a unit of blood and today I gave her one, but she still needs one more. We know your prayers are so powerful...thanks for lifting her up!

Romans 14:23

...If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.

Let this be your guide throughout the day….
Stop and pray before you speak or act…
Watch how intimately the Lord will instruct you…..

08 February 2012

Call to Arms ~ By Vicky Bentley

Call to Arms ~ Prayer Warriors & Intercessors Needed

I believe this may be the most important message God has given me, PLEASE take the time to read through and watch the video link at the bottom….a life depends on it…..

For quite some time God has been stirring my heart for the plight of the modern day slaves, the women and children especially, who are being bought and sold EVERY DAY…in nearly EVERY COUNTRY…for inconceivable forms of sexual abuse and torture.

Google “Human Trafficking” and find statistics as high as 32,000,000 (yes, that is million, not thousands or ten thousands or even hundred thousands, MILLIONS) people living under cruel and oppressive bondage….

It’s a GLOBAL problem – people are abducted, kidnapped, or tricked into believing a job awaits them in another country…only to wake up chained to a bedside, raped repeatedly, sometimes injected by force with illegal drugs, they are TRAPPED and WITHOUT HOPE…..

How do I know this is true?
         It happened to a sister from our church in Nairobi, my dear friends met
          the traffickers and tried to expose the truth
                     I will share the whole story soon watch for the post….

All of these victims are bound with no way or even HOPE of escape TODAY ~ while many of us are comfortable and secure….

Hebrews 13:3says,
Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.”

My eyes are welling up with tears just typing….as if I felt their pain in my own body…Oh LORD have mercy on me for neglecting these suffering people….

I am accountable to God for my actions & you are accountable for yours. I will stand before Jesus and have to explain why I did or didn’t do anything about these brothers and sisters (Matthew 25)….

I know it’s HUGE and OVERWHELMING... there are governments, law enforcement, armies, politicians, millionaires, drug lords, and the like propagating and protecting this billion dollar business.

BUT GOD is Bigger, Greater, Stronger, Smarter, Richer, and in EVERY way ABLE to intervene
We must link our impotence with His Omnipotence for the sake of these suffering
brothers and sisters….

NOW before any more people are enslaved….

2 Chronicles 7:14 says,
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
BOW before Him now…
                 From a HUMBLED heart because you recognize ONLY Jesus is big enough to save the
                    women and children being bought and sold and the immoral men and women creating
                    the demand…. God is not respecter of persons, His grace is sufficient for ALL…
                                 CONFESS the sins, even if they are not yours personally.
                                                We are a BODY and we NEED Jesus more than ever before!

SEEK HIS FACE daily until every soul has been set free. God will direct you how to pray and there are great resources on the web to pray for countries and ministries I will pass on later. Just start to pray, wait on the LORD and listen to the Holy Spirit guiding you!

This link is a video made to expose the trafficking. One of the experts testifying is Pastor Justin Holcomb, a dear friend and longtime partner in this ministry. http://vimeo.com/unearthed/jacob

WARNING: The content is graphic ~ not in pictures but the facts alone are horrifying ~ but these are someone’s children, sister’s, friend’s…and MOST importantly these are people made in the image and likeness of God. The ending clearly reveals Jesus is the ONLY HOPE…for the victims and the abusers…

PLEASE prayerfully watch and share it and….
                  GOD IS A MIGHTY DELIVERER….

From whispersofhiswonder.blogspot.com

06 February 2012

Sabrina Praying

Sabrina praying! How beautiful the sound of worshipping saints!