21 September 2011

Photo Slideshow: Bud Stonebaker

Check out this slideshow from Bud Stonebaker!

Bud was just recently over in Sudan and was kind enough to put this slideshow together for us all to enjoy!

19 September 2011

Update! from Natasha

Dear friends and family,

Wow, it’s been awhile since I sent my updates out…You probably though that I was dead J in a sense you are right…but let me start from the beginning J

As you probably know that the Lord opened an opportunity for me to go to Sudan…and it was a great time…so stretching and challenging and yet amazing!!! Full of God’s faithfulness and love…

I might share with you before that it was my dream from the beginning of my ministry with FRM to go to Sudan and serve the Lord there. In God’s Sovereignty, He took me through an amazing time of ministry in Calvary Chapel Nairobi, knitted my heart together with the people in the church and missionaries there…

When I finally arrived to Sudan, it felt like home, I wrote about it in one of my newsletters that I called it my earthly “promised Land” I even kissed the ground J Yeah, and arrived in a military caravan with guns and everything… but that’s a whole nother story.  Just makes me smile to think about it.  J

Being there slowly but surely the Lord started speaking to me that He called me to Himself and not to a certain geographic place on the planet…Jesus took me to a place where I realized that it does not matter anymore what I want…it’s all about what He wants…You know, those moments with Jesus you can never forget…I loved the ministry in S. Sudan, I’ve seen this country celebrate its independence and  I’ve seen how much more needs to be done there…I’ve seen God’s glory!!! It was a mountain of transfiguration for me…And I felt like I was Peter who was asking Jesus to stay there…This is how amazing it was, yet, Jesus spoke clearly to me…,” you are going back to the valley”…Everything in me cried out to God for mercy, I asked the Lord to give me a sword (a scripture that I can stand on) or a song that I can sing to Him, and He gave me both…This passage from Matthew 17:1-8 became alive to me…How faithful and amazing the Lord is!!!! And even though I had to give up my dream…He gave me peace that passes all understanding…I started my updates with the statement that you probably though that I was dead…and this is true, I had to die, so Jesus can live through me…isn’t it a prayer for all of us…It was not an easy time for my flesh…nor for people around me…but I appreciated their prayers and support!!!

I arrived in Nairobi on the 26th of August…I had such a great time of reunion with people in the church and my fellow missionaries…The time went by so fast and on the 13th of September I came to Uganda to serve here and help with a guest house…And a question came up in my mind: “Why, why did the Lord move me again?” In His perfect love He wants me to obey Him in everything…and I know by my obedience to God that I love Him…

There is so much more to tell…I am in a place where the Lord took all my dreams, all my secure places that I had in my heart and left only Jesus… “When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.” Matthew 17:8

Prayer requests:

·         Please pray for the Lord to continue to lead me the way He wants to…

·         Pray that He would give me wisdom in how to help with the guest house in Kampala.

·         Please pray for my daughter Masha and my Dad, Vladimir that they would come to the Lord…




12 September 2011

New: Follow by Email!

Check it out! Now you can follow by Email! Simply enter your email in the “Follow by Email!” field, click submit, then check your inbox for a confirmation email and a link to confirm your email address. FeedBurner will then email you with updates to our blog for every day that there are new posts!

Feel free to forward this information on to others! :)

May the LORD richly bless your day!


07 September 2011

2011 FRM Chaplain DVD!

Our newest video, the 2011 FRM Chaplain DVD, is now uploaded to YouTube!
(Here's what our DVD face looks like!)

- or -
copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Be blessed!  :)

01 September 2011

Chaplain Graduation

August 22, 2011
The 8th class of Chaplains graduated! I am excited to see more of God’s men out in the world preaching the gospel! The Ceremony looked like this: 2:00pm-2:15pm Prayer and Worship. 2:15pm-3:00pm Chaplains March In and Speech by Wes Bentley 3:00pm-3:05pm Interlude, 3:05pm-3:20pm Speech By Inspector, 3:20pm-3:30pm Speech by Army Officer / CDR Nimule Garisons, 3:30pm-3:40pm Army Officer From Juba, 3:40pm-4:00pm Presentation of Songs From the Youth and Women, 4:00pm-4:20pm Pastor John Sharing theWord of God, 4:20pm-4:30pm Speech From Immigration Police, 4:30pm-5:00pm Conclusion by Wes Bentley, 5:00pm Dinner Feast. I thought it was so powerful that the chaplain’s read the knight’s code. I was so blessed that God has more instruments well equipped to share His glory to the world. The part of this graduation that hit me the most was that these men would be going to the Nuba mountains where there is fighting and unrest. The gospel and Jesus is the only hope these men have. Nothing saves like Jesus can. Jesus gives men courage to face what doesn’t seem survivable. Death no longer is the end and all these men have a calling. It inspires me, an American woman who doesn’t have any immediate threats on my life, to live each day as an adventure that God increases my courage and faith. Why do we have to have the end in sight for us to start being who God made us to be? I want to be that woman today. Don’t you? 
-Haley Jalinski

South Sudan - Arrival & days leading up to class 8 Chaplain Graduation

On our way to our final destination of Nimule, South Sudan we stopped in Kampala, Uganda at the guesthouse. We stayed there for two nights and fellowshipped with Bob and Susanne, Keith and Lisa and their son Jonathan, Brian and Jill, Giftie, Michael, and James Olal. We drove from Kampala, Uganda to Nimule, South Sudan. It took about 8 hours. On the way we stopped and got chapotie which is like a tortilla, and fresh pineapple. They were so delicious! When we got to the compound in Nimule we were greeted by singing and cheering by the Chaplains. It was great seeing some familiar faces. We got right to work with the Chaplain sponsorship letters and preparing the sanctuary for the day of graduation. We painted the inside of the chapel and made the compound spotless. The Sudanese television would be filming the graduation. We also have been doing some interviews for the chaplains so that sponsors can hear and see their chaplain. Working with the chaplains and ministering to the ladies and the youth here has been such a blessing. God has granted this nation’s independence and I would not be surprised if it was because of the obedience of His children here. Kevin and I talked to the youth about purity and what it means to be a Christian in your youth. We have done team building games with the youth and chaplains. We pray that God unites them more as brothers and sisters in Christ. More to come!
-Haley Jalinski

Safari day 3

Tuesday- Final day

Our last day on the Masai Mara was a bittersweet ending. We went out on a morning game drive. We saw so many hot air balloons in the sky so early in the morning. It was quite a sight. The sweet part of the last day was knowing we had a busy week ahead and we could relax for one more day. The bitter part was the busy week coming up. The Chaplain Graduation means having to do a lot of preparation. God really blessed us with sweet fellowship and just an overall relaxing time at the Masai Mara.  

Safari day 2

Monday- August 8, 2011
The second day to our safari was a blast. We spent the whole day out on the Mara. We ate our breakfast and lunch among the wildebeest. It was a great time for Kevin and I to spend with Aunt Vicky and Uncle Wes. We laughed and were awed by God’s creation around us. We learned on the second day that every animal on the African Savannah was useful for one reason or another. The vultures cleaned up and keep things sanitized. The elephants eat the acacia trees. So that is why there are only a few that pop up. The zebra and wildebeest eat the tall grass. The lions keep the population of wildebeest down. The list goes on and on.  I just think that is so amazing. We serve a resourceful God. How much more will the God who gives purpose to the elephants give you a direction and a plan for your life. I like to dwell on this because being 19 a lot of life decisions are coming up. Including me getting married in December. Going to college also gives a lot of opportunity for God’s will to become more and more evident. So I have faith that He will direct me as I learn to surrender more, listen to Him often, trust and depend on Him solely, and have my hope resting in Him only. Then just be obedient.